Stem Docs

Exit Policy

Exit Policy

Representation of tor exit policies. These can be easily used to check if exiting to a destination is permissible or not. For instance…

>>> from stem.exit_policy import ExitPolicy, MicroExitPolicy
>>> policy = ExitPolicy('accept *:80', 'accept *:443', 'reject *:*')
>>> print(policy)
accept *:80, accept *:443, reject *:*
>>> print(policy.summary())
accept 80, 443
>>> policy.can_exit_to('', 80)

>>> policy = MicroExitPolicy('accept 80,443')
>>> print(policy)
accept 80,443
>>> policy.can_exit_to('', 80)
ExitPolicy - Exit policy for a Tor relay
  |- MicroExitPolicy - Microdescriptor exit policy
  |- can_exit_to - check if exiting to this destination is allowed or not
  |- is_exiting_allowed - check if any exiting is allowed
  |- summary - provides a short label, similar to a microdescriptor
  |- has_private - checks if policy has anything expanded from the 'private' keyword
  |- strip_private - provides a copy of the policy without 'private' entries
  |- has_default - checks if policy ends with the defaultly appended suffix
  |- strip_default - provides a copy of the policy without the default suffix
  |- __str__  - string representation
  +- __iter__ - ExitPolicyRule entries that this contains

ExitPolicyRule - Single rule of an exit policy chain
  |- MicroExitPolicyRule - Single rule for a microdescriptor policy
  |- is_address_wildcard - checks if we'll accept any address
  |- is_port_wildcard - checks if we'll accept any port
  |- get_address_type - provides the protocol our ip address belongs to
  |- is_match - checks if we match a given destination
  |- get_mask - provides the address representation of our mask
  |- get_masked_bits - provides the bit representation of our mask
  |- is_default - flag indicating if this was part of the default end of a policy
  |- is_private - flag indicating if this was expanded from a 'private' keyword
  +- __str__ - string representation for this rule

get_config_policy - provides the ExitPolicy based on torrc rules

Enumerations for IP address types that can be in an exit policy.




any address of either IPv4 or IPv6


IPv4 address


IPv6 address