Stem Docs

The Little Relay that Could

The Little Relay that Could

Let’s say you just set up your very first Tor relay (thank you!), and now you want to write a script that tells you how much it is being used.

First, for any script to talk with your relay it will need to have a control port available. This is a port that’s usually only available on localhost and protected by either a password or authentication cookie.

Look at your torrc for the following configuration options…

# This provides a port for our script to talk with. If you set this then be
# sure to also set either CookieAuthentication *or* HashedControlPassword!
# You could also use ControlSocket instead of ControlPort, which provides a
# file based socket. You don't need to have authentication if you use
# ControlSocket. For this example however we'll use a port.

ControlPort 9051

# Setting this will make Tor write an authentication cookie. Anything with
# permission to read this file can connect to Tor. If you're going to run
# your script with the same user or permission group as Tor then this is the
# easiest method of authentication to use.

CookieAuthentication 1

# Alternatively we can authenticate with a password. To set a password first
# get its hash...
# % tor --hash-password "my_password"
# 16:E600ADC1B52C80BB6022A0E999A7734571A451EB6AE50FED489B72E3DF
# ... and use that for the HashedControlPassword in your torrc.

HashedControlPassword 16:E600ADC1B52C80BB6022A0E999A7734571A451EB6AE50FED489B72E3DF

When you change your torrc you’ll need to either restart Tor or issue a SIGHUP for the new settings to take effect. Now let’s write a script that tells us how many bytes Tor has sent and received since it started. Note that there are a few ways to connect to Tor. If you’re unfamiliar with the ‘with’ keyword then see here

from stem.control import Controller

with Controller.from_port(port = 9051) as controller:
  controller.authenticate()  # provide the password here if you set one

  bytes_read = controller.get_info("traffic/read")
  bytes_written = controller.get_info("traffic/written")

  print("My Tor relay has read %s bytes and written %s." % (bytes_read, bytes_written))
% python
My Tor relay has read 33406 bytes and written 29649.

Congratulations! You’ve just written your first controller script.