Stem Docs



Information available about Tor from its manual. This provides three methods of getting this information…

Manual information includes arguments, signals, and probably most usefully the torrc configuration options. For example, say we want a little script that told us what our torrc options do…

from stem.manual import Manual
from stem.util import term

  print("Downloading tor's manual information, please wait...")
  manual = Manual.from_remote()
  print("  done\n")
except IOError as exc:
  print("  unsuccessful (%s), using information provided with stem\n" % exc)
  manual = Manual.from_cache()  # fall back to our bundled manual information

print('Which tor configuration would you like to learn about?  (press ctrl+c to quit)\n')

  while True:
    requested_option = raw_input('> ').strip()

    if requested_option:
      if requested_option in manual.config_options:
        option = manual.config_options[requested_option]
        print(term.format('%s %s' % (, option.usage), term.Color.GREEN, term.Attr.BOLD))
        print(term.format(option.summary, term.Color.GREEN))  # brief description provided by stem

        print(term.format('\nFull Description:\n', term.Color.GREEN, term.Attr.BOLD))
        print(term.format(option.description + '\n', term.Color.GREEN))
        print(term.format("Sorry, we don't have any information about %s. Are you sure it's an option?" % requested_option, term.Color.RED))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
  pass  # user pressed ctrl+c


Module Overview:

query - performs a query on our cached sqlite manual information
is_important - Indicates if a configuration option is of particularly common importance.
download_man_page - Downloads tor's latest man page.

Manual - Information about Tor available from its manual.
 | |- from_cache - Provides manual information cached with Stem.
 | |- from_man - Retrieves manual information from its man page.
 | +- from_remote - Retrieves manual information remotely from tor's latest manual.
 +- save - writes the manual contents to a given location

New in version 1.5.0.