Stem Docs

Configuration File Handling

Configuration File Handling

Handlers for text configuration files. Configurations are simple string to string mappings, with the configuration files using the following rules…

For instance…

# This is my sample config Galen
user.password yabba1234 # here's an inline comment
user.notes takes a fancy to pepperjack cheese

|Multi-line message exclaiming of the
|wonder and awe that is pepperjack!

… would be loaded as…

config = {
  '': 'Galen',
  'user.password': 'yabba1234',
  'user.notes': 'takes a fancy to pepperjack cheese',
  'blankEntry.example': '',
  'msg.greeting': 'Multi-line message exclaiming of the\nwonder and awe that is pepperjack!',

Configurations are managed via the Config class. The Config can be be used directly with its get() and set() methods, but usually modules will want a local dictionary with just the configurations that it cares about.

To do this use the config_dict() function. For example…

import getpass
from stem.util import conf, connection

def config_validator(key, value):
  if key == 'timeout':
    # require at least a one second timeout
    return max(1, value)
  elif key == 'endpoint':
    if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(value):
      raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid IPv4 address" % value)
  elif key == 'port':
    if not connection.is_valid_port(value):
      raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port" % value)
  elif key == 'retries':
    # negative retries really don't make sense
    return max(0, value)

CONFIG = conf.config_dict('ssh_login', {
  'username': getpass.getuser(),
  'password': '',
  'timeout': 10,
  'endpoint': '',
  'port': 22,
  'reconnect': False,
  'retries': 3,
}, config_validator)

There’s several things going on here so lets take it step by step…

Now lets say our user has the following configuration file…

username waddle_doo
password jabberwocky
timeout -15
port 9000000
retries lots
reconnect true
logging debug

… and we load it as follows…

>>> from stem.util import conf
>>> our_config = conf.get_config('ssh_login')
>>> our_config.load('/home/atagar/user_config')
>>> print CONFIG  
  "username": "waddle_doo",
  "password": "jabberwocky",
  "timeout": 1,
  "endpoint": "",
  "port": 22,
  "reconnect": True,
  "retries": 3,

Here’s an expanation of what happened…

Module Overview:

config_dict - provides a dictionary that's kept in sync with our config
get_config - singleton for getting configurations
uses_settings - provides an annotation for functions that use configurations
parse_enum_csv - helper funcion for parsing confguration entries for enums

Config - Custom configuration
  |- load - reads a configuration file
  |- save - writes the current configuration to a file
  |- clear - empties our loaded configuration contents
  |- add_listener - notifies the given listener when an update occurs
  |- clear_listeners - removes any attached listeners
  |- keys - provides keys in the loaded configuration
  |- set - sets the given key/value pair
  |- unused_keys - provides keys that have never been requested
  |- get - provides the value for a given key, with type inference
  +- get_value - provides the value for a given key as a string