Basic enumeration, providing ordered types for collections. These can be constructed as simple type listings…
>>> from stem.util import enum
>>> insects = enum.Enum('ANT', 'WASP', 'LADYBUG', 'FIREFLY')
>>> insects.ANT
>>> tuple(insects)
('Ant', 'Wasp', 'Ladybug', 'Firefly')
… or with overwritten string counterparts…
>>> from stem.util import enum
>>> pets = enum.Enum(('DOG', 'Skippy'), 'CAT', ('FISH', 'Nemo'))
>>> pets.DOG
>>> pets.CAT
Module Overview:
UppercaseEnum - Provides an enum instance with capitalized values
Enum - Provides a basic, ordered enumeration
|- keys - string representation of our enum keys
|- index_of - index of an enum value
|- next - provides the enum after a given enum value
|- previous - provides the enum before a given value
|- __getitem__ - provides the value for an enum key
+- __iter__ - iterator over our enum keys