Functions to aid library logging. The default logging
is usually NOTICE and above.
Stem users are more than welcome to listen for stem events, but these functions are not being vended to our users. They may change in the future, use them at your own risk.
Module Overview:
get_logger - provides the stem's Logger instance
logging_level - converts a runlevel to its logging number
escape - escapes special characters in a message in preparation for logging
log - logs a message at the given runlevel
log_once - logs a message, deduplicating if it has already been logged
trace - logs a message at the TRACE runlevel
debug - logs a message at the DEBUG runlevel
info - logs a message at the INFO runlevel
notice - logs a message at the NOTICE runlevel
warn - logs a message at the WARN runlevel
error - logs a message at the ERROR runlevel
LogBuffer - Buffers logged events so they can be iterated over.
|- is_empty - checks if there's events in our buffer
+- __iter__ - iterates over and removes the buffered events
log_to_stdout - reports further logged events to stdout
- stem.util.log.Runlevel(enum)¶
Enumeration for logging runlevels.
critical issue occurred, the user needs to be notified
non-critical issue occurred that the user should be aware of
information that is helpful to the user
high level library activity
low level library activity
request/reply logging