Stem Docs

Test Utilities

Test Utilities

Helper functions for testing.

Our stylistic_issues, pyflakes_issues, and type_check_issues respect a ‘exclude_paths’ in our test config, excluding any absolute paths matching those regexes. Issue strings can start or end with an asterisk to match just against the prefix or suffix. For instance…

exclude_paths .*/stem/test/data/.*

New in version 1.2.0.

TimedTestRunner - test runner that tracks test runtimes
test_runtimes - provides runtime of tests excuted through TimedTestRunners
clean_orphaned_pyc - delete *.pyc files without corresponding *.py

is_pyflakes_available - checks if pyflakes is available
is_pycodestyle_available - checks if pycodestyle is available

pyflakes_issues - static checks for problems via pyflakes
stylistic_issues - checks for PEP8 and other stylistic issues